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CHEM 109 Studies in Chemistry I

CHEM 109 Studies in Chemistry I4  hours credit – An introduction to the basic concepts of chemistry. Includes the metric system, atomic structure, the periodic table, ionic and covalent bonding, nomenclature of chemical elements and compounds, balancing chemical reactions, oxidation/reduction, states of matter, and solution concentrations. Some fundamental mathematical concepts crucial to chemistry are also covered. Does not count as science credit for degrees in the sciences.


As you read through the materials, perform the experiments and activities, and work through the assignments for this course you should:

  • Become aware of the relationship between chemistry and the world around you;
  • Develop and utilize the “analytical process” to explore the world around you;
  • Understand and apply some of the basic principles and models of chemistry to various questions and issues;
  • Appreciate the relationship between mathematics and science and learn to apply appropriate mathematics skills to solve problems of a chemical nature; and
  • Develop the critical thinking skills needed to solve problems or deal with various issues.


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