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PALE 365 – Courts and Litigations – 3 hours credit

PALE 365 Courts and Litigations3 hour credits –  This course is designed to introduce the student to the federal and state court system and offer instruction in civil litigation procedures commencing from the initial client interview and file organization to the trial and any subsequent appeals. It will include instruction on procedures authorized under the code of civil procedure and special emphasis will be placed on the content and preparation of documents used in civil law suits.


The general goals of this course are to:

  • Give the student an understanding of the jurisdiction of state and federal trial and appellate courts, venue, and the role of lawyers, paralegals and the court system in the resolution of disputes
  • Introduce the student to the most common causes of action filed in the court system
  • Instruct the student on how to conduct initial client interviews, identify and prepare pleadings, and assist in motion practice
  • Instruct the student in the tools and methods used in the discovery process
  • Introduce the student to the rules of evidence
  • Introduce the student to methods of alternative dispute resolution

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