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Test Accommodation

The Office Accessibility Services [OAS] is partnering with faculty to provide testing accommodations within academic Schools.  We will provide a trained proctor for accommodated testing needs for each exam through the academic Term.  By participating in this program, we will be able to provide students greater access to instructors during tests, as well as, eliminate delays in grading.

Suitable candidates for the program:

  • Instructors who teach large courses with five or more students with accessibility needs consistently receiving test accommodations.
  • Instructors who may not  be available to provide necessary support.

Process to provide testing accommodations in the School:

  • Students reach out to the course Instructors and present accommodation letters.
  • Instructors contact the Office of Accessibility Services to express interest in scheduling a proctor and provide all test dates for Term.
  • The OAS staff confirm availability of proctor(s) or the University’s contracted proctoring electronic service [] for test dates.
  • Instructors communicate to students that an alternative option will be provided at a convenient time proctored electronically or by a trained proctor rendering service through the Office Accessibility Services.
  • Instructors provide the test link and start time information for testing students.
  • Alternate arrangements are made on a case by case basis for students with accommodations other than a low distraction environment and extended time.
  • Instructors provides to OAS a test roster and detailed proctor instructions prior the day of the test.
  • Instructors may decide to personally release the tests and check-in periodically on students’ progress to see if they have questions.